Wednesday, November 19, 2008

St. Louis Children's Photography: Henry (by kristie)

What a perfect little face! Meet Henry... only home from the hospital for a few days in these photos, but I definitely caught him at his "awake" time of day. He is so precious and has some very proud new parents!
And I just LOVE the pumpkin sac his mom found! Would it be weird if I hung the photo of him on their dining room chair in my dining room? Just kidding ... sort of ;)


  1. sweet, sweet shots. i know it's a fabulous photo when it makes my ovaries twitter & crave another baby. so, from now on, i'm just commenting ovary twitter & you'll know what i mean.

  2. What a GREAT bedroom! So cute!

  3. Kristie, Thank you so much for the beautiful photos of our little man. You have such a great talent for portraits. I'm excited you got some shots of the nursery and of course the pumpkin hat ones are my favorite. Don't be surprised to see them in our diningroom too :)

  4. wow fabulous, I ran into your blog and I think I will be a blog stalker of yours from now on. Great shots!

  5. Why thanks! We love self-proclaimed blog stalkers here ;)
