Sunday, July 20, 2008

Liv (by kristie)

Holy cow... How cute is this little one! She lives in Florida, but I had the pleasure to photograph her while she and Mom were in St. Louis visiting Grandma. And let me tell you, she has the proudest (and the coolest;) Mom and Grandma around.

Here is a little preview of her session, and her 18x18" gallery collage photo. (a great way to showcase the story of your photo session ... sorry, had to throw in the sales pitch)

Adrienne, She couldn't be cuter. I'm so glad I got to meet her while you were here!


  1. I swear, I thought I was taking good pictures of Liv until we had our photo shoot with you. There is clearly no comparison! Your pics are fantastic! Somehow, in just minutes, you captured all her priceless expressions. Each time I look through them I find another that makes my heart melt. The pictures are absolute treasures to us, and we can't thank you enough!

  2. Just a minute it here- Let Grammy speak about the Little Liv- i was so thrilled with the photos I had to send them to my entire staff at Apria and possibly to the Plains region-imagine that I am a very very proud grandma and I feel so lucky that you captured our little girl so beautifully. Thank you Kristie-

  3. Thanks for the nice comments :-) I'm so happy that you love the photos!

  4. I can't wait for Adrienne's next visit and more spectacular pictures of Liv -never enough pictures.
