Thursday, November 27, 2008

Gobble Gobble! (by liz)

Just a quick note to say happy Thanksgiving! Ever make cut out sugar cookies? My mother always made the best sugar cookies (little shout to to Linda!) So I figure, as her daughter, that gene should have been passed down right? I mean, if I get the recipe from her and follow the directions (I can read - yay me!) how hard can it be? Yeowsers...I have a whole new respect for sugar cookies. Four and a half hours later with dough sticking everywhere and flour flying around the kitchen like smoke, we have some beautiful leaf shaped sugar cookies to take to Thanksgiving. I just thought it would be cute. Leave it to me to underestimate the sugar cookie. My husband Steve actually looked in the mirror and freaked out that he was getting gray in his beard but it was really just some rogue flour that landed on his face. Who am I kidding?! I totally put it there. :)

I hope you get to gobble up some cookies this Thanksgiving! But before you do, take a close look at it, appreciate the love (and time...and mess) that went into it. I know it will. :)

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

St. Louis Children's Photography: Henry (by kristie)

What a perfect little face! Meet Henry... only home from the hospital for a few days in these photos, but I definitely caught him at his "awake" time of day. He is so precious and has some very proud new parents!
And I just LOVE the pumpkin sac his mom found! Would it be weird if I hung the photo of him on their dining room chair in my dining room? Just kidding ... sort of ;)

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Holly & Nick (by liz)

This was one of those perfect late summer/early fall days. We got lucky this year - we had more of them than usual. Usually I think that people who say they like living in St. Louis because they get to experience all four seasons are crazy. In my opinion, when it comes to spring and fall, two weeks does not a "season" make. Holly and Nick got one of these few days or their wedding day...and seeing as it was an outdoor wedding with a partially outdoor reception at the beautiful Artists Guild, it was a good thing! These two make a nice looking couple...Nick with his funky hair and Holly with her perfect skin. I am sure you will agree! And I would be remis if I didn't thank the talented Tim Gau for filling in for Kristie as my second shooter. If you've met me then you know I'm vertically challenged...Tim however is not. It was nice to have someone along who could actually reach things and hang a wedding dress from a window. :)

I love these next couple of shots. I have a whole set of which I am using in my next ad in Saint Louis Bride Magazine...keep your eyes peeled!

Fabulous purple shoes. My first pair of purple wedding shoes it!

This is Nick's face when he sees Holly for the first time. Normally I get a smile or a loving look but this wrinkly little smirk is truly endearing.

Off to the riverfront for some great textured shots.

And my new favorite alley.

Shoes again!

Ceremony at the Artists Guild. Perfect time of day for light...the sun hasn't technically set, we are just sitting low enough that it seems as if it is under the horizon.

I love this is so unique. AND the lighting in this shot along with the chandelier and the decor make it feel antique. Like it was a taken on a romantic evening in 1820.

Thanks guys - this was a beautiful day!