Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jessica & Josh (by liz)

This was just too cool...growing up as a military brat I have a soft spot in my heart for men in uniforms. The bride and groom may actually be overseas by the time I'm writing this. They are being stationed in Japan and planned the wedding during the short window they had before the move. It was a very special day and what they are doing for our country is not only commendable, it is admirable. Most weddings have a few happy tears involved...a father giving away his daughter always tugs at my heart strings, but knowing that both of them would be leaving their families and friends in a few short weeks made this day extra special.

Ok, enough sappy stuff, let's move onto the fun stuff! We took some great photos in Busch Stadium and then headed to Forest Park...check it out!

A few last minute getting ready shots. The bride looked beautiful in her Lazaro gown. I love the motion in the second shot.

And of course the groom looked dashing in his uniform.

Check out these military inspired shoes the bridesmaids wore...

And red and white flowers to match.

I know a photographer that likes to call beautiful things "yummy." I'm going to borrow from her and say that the lighting in the church was certainly yummy! Which is actually rare for churches which usually lack light in general.

And now off to the ballpark. Red seats & red shoes go well together.

Albert swings and it's going...going...


Some more fun photos around the park...

And off to Forest Park for just a few more...

And last but not least...if I did this I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to walk for days. Congrats you two! Take care of each other over there!

1 comment:

  1. AWESOME shots Liz!
    I love, love the black&white of the bride looking up. Beautiful. That light hitting her face is so perfect.
    And love the red shoes theme.

    Looks like it was a great wedding day! Congrats Jessica & Josh.

    || Kristie Cromie
    || L Photographie
